PVM Careers Guidance
Work Experience Guidance 2018
PVMC is committed to promoting high quality careers education, information, advice and guidance as an integral part of every student’s education. This is delivered by our dedicated Lead Transition Learning Mentor.
Aims of Careers Education and Guidance:
To provide careers, financial and enterprise awareness throughout the PVMC primary and secondary schools.
To use a variety of platforms and tools to engage and inspire students including IT and online career packages.
To prepare students for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.
To arm students with careers information in a variety of formats to meet individual needs.
To enable students to understand and interpret local and national careers information to assist them in making informed choices.
To help students develop their further education and career awareness to enable them to manage personal career development and make appropriate choices.
to enable students to manage transitions such as the change from school to college or to apprenticeships within the workplace.
To enable Year 10 students to experience the world of work through Work Experience.
To implement long term work placements as part of Personal Learning Plans based upon students achieving predicted grades and sufficient risk assessments.