

PVM Centre has a Designated Safeguarding Lead who has overall responsibility for safeguarding and child protection within the Centre and can be contacted directly in order to discuss any concerns.

Each Safeguarding Lead is supported in their role by the PVMC Safeguarding Liaison Officer to ensure we maintain every student’s safety and welfare. Regular and robust training is delivered to all staff in partnership with the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board, Local Authority Designated Officer and Ofsted criteria.

This includes the delivery of annual and when required, staff training relating to Child Sexual Exploitation, Female Genital Mutilation, Children Missing Education, Prevent and British Values in addition to a clear structured support for staff to address challenging and complex safeguarding concerns.

Ms Fiona Sowole is our Designated Safeguarding Governor who regularly participates and monitors our Policy and practice the Centre, which will be updated and adapted in line with Local and National changes in legislation outside of the regular annual review.